Game Developer • Software Engineer • AI Researcher
Teacher • Musician • Writer • Speaker
Research: Artificial Intelligence
Engineering: Technology, Design, and Games
- 2015, Resume [PDF] - Professional resume.
- 2011, Lab Bunnies Game [iTunes] [Youtube] - A puzzle platformer game for iPhone. The original idea came from a Global Game Jam.
- 2009, GDC Documentary [YouTube] - This was a documentary I made that captured the communities of the people behind the products of the game industry.
- Programming Projects [Wordpress] - Still trying to figure out how to write about my projects, but this is what I have temporarily.
Teaching: Computer Science, Math, and Game Design
- 2015, Artificial Intelligence and Game Design, China [Dokuwiki] - Teaching game design in China.
- 2015, Game Design and Computer Science, India [Google Pages] - Teaching game design in India.
- 2015, Game Design and Programming, Chile [Google Pages] - This was my second time teaching students in Santiago.
- 2014, Computer Simulations and Interactive Media, Stanford [Doku 1] [Doku 2] - I designed this course to cover basic Computer Science, Mathematics, AI, and Simulations. This course was taught twice.
- 2014, Exploratory Math, Chile [YouTube] [DokuWiki] - This was an applied math course that looked at aspects of collaboration and design.
- 2013, Artificial Intelligence, Stanford [DokuWiki] - Intro to AI.
- 2013, Robotics, Stanford [DokuWiki] - Intro to programming and robotics with Lego Mindstorms.
Writing: Tech, Education, and Culture
- Thoughtful Play [Wordpress] - This is my blog of game reviews and development insights.
- Tech and Education Blog [Wordpress] - A blog for tech, academia, teaching, and education.
- Intellectual Faith [Wordpress] - This blog captures my explorations in the cultural dynamics of faith and miracles, and what this means to intellectual communities.
- it is that deep [Wordpress] - I'm building a general purpose one about current events. This will be subtitled: Culture + Education + Justice. Finally, a place to write about music and complain about education.
Community: Jazz, Faith, and Society
- Passion Talks [Wordpress] - Passion Talks are talks that address, not only what we do, but why we do it. It aims to showcase how our Passions are rooted in our faiths. I started this counference in 2013.
- Terminal Degree [Wordpress] - This was my jazz band, active between 2009 and 2015. We still get together now and then, at least yearly at the Monterey Jazz Festival.
- #GDCpray [Facebook] - A group of people coming around to pray during the Game Developers Conference
- Pocket Mustard [Wordpress] - Simple photos of food, taken with my smart phone.